Saturday 4 February 2023

Fuller's London Pride at the Wellington, London

So here I am in sunny London. It’s actually January but I’m sitting on a streetside table outside a pub watching the world go by. Having travelled from my accommodation, I’ve arrived ridiculously early as I wasn’t prepared to let the rush-hour commute delay me in getting to the theatre. I’ve found the venue and there’s an hour before the doors even open so I’ve embarked on an impromptu time killer pub crawl. There’s a group on the table opposite and one of them looks like he’ll appearing in the show, though I’m too shy to disturb them and ask. But rush hour is in full swing, and I’m quite enjoying watching everyone zoom around, whether it be on foot, bus on even bike and e-scooter. There’s a little queue of them builds up by the traffic lights. The beer is in good condition and it’s reasonably priced for the area but I wonder if there’s anywhere better nearby. I get my phone out and do a bit of research on where to head next.

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