Monday 20 February 2023

Banksy does Brum

It’s not very often that you get to see a work by an artist of national recognition and not have to pay or queue up for it. However, here it was out in the open air on a railway bridge. I’d probably walked past it a few times before without noticing it. Its touch of white frost goes perfect with the black brickwork, and the lights opposite, together with passing traffic in the evening, helps to illuminate it too. I didn’t realise that the bench beside it was to be used as a sleigh until I’d visited Banksy’s website. I could have posed as the tramp if I’d known, or at least have gotten a better pose. The council have now put a laminate covering over it for protection but it ruins the effect, especially if you’re trying to take a photo. But at least it’s waterproofed against the elements. Hopefully it’ll bring a few more tourists into the area. 

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