Thursday 23 February 2023

Between a soft place and a soft place #empress 13

It would be best to sneak off now before the guards noticed that the Empress was beginning to stir. He could sneak between her breasts and onto the cushions that the servants had placed below, but would he get stuck between the apex? He just had to wait for a gap. He gazed up at the face of the Empress who looked to be in some erotic dream. Then he realised that she was leaning on something in between her thighs. There seemed to be some very wet patches on the cushion that she was resting on, and an intensive smell was beginning to waft through. Before he knew it, he was sliding down between two huge mountains of flesh. He’d tried to make a grab for a golden chain hanging above them, but he was too late. He’d hope he’d follow through, but he became stuck right where he didn’t want to be.

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