Sunday 5 February 2023

Should Pubs bill Customers for Charging Eletronic Devices?

Absolutely they can. They don’t want to, but they could as they’re facing huge energy bills like the rest of us. Most places will do it for free if you ask at the bar, so long as you’re a customer. Some may even have charging points installed in some areas. But simply coming in and plugging in a mobile phone where the vacuum cleaner might go without even asking for a tap water is just downright rude. Some people even go so far as unplugging the fruity or the power supply to the pub’s modem that the card machine needs to operate. The licensee has to assess your custom. If he’s going to do you a favour, is he going to get anything out of it in return? Will he be turning custom away if he refuses? Or will a simple donation suffice in case of an emergency if you don’t want to purchase anything? If you’re lucky, you may get away with it for free in the hope of exchange for future custom.

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