Wednesday 8 February 2023

A tour detoured

I’m returning home today but I’ve still got some sightseeing planned. Winter is the ideal time to visit London since the attractions that are open will be less busy and some may even be cheaper than usual, or so I thought. I’d prebooked a lunchtime entry ticket for the Tower of London. Arriving at the underground station, I got a good view of the area from the battlements and accessed the site via a subway system. The queue was straightforward and upon entry I’m told that a free guided tour led by a Beefeater departs in a few minutes. I normally love these as you get a bit of local humour which adds value to your visit but the crowd just kept growing and growing and growing. In the end I thought that it would take this group ages to be shown everything and they’d be certain to skip some rooms so I decided that I’d be better off going at my own pace.

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