Saturday, 31 October 2020
Keeping Tabs on You
Friday, 30 October 2020
How do I tactfully tell someone that they smell bad?
It depends on the environment. You might have some authority in the workplace; but if you’re on public transport with a stranger; you’re not going to have any authority whatsoever. If you see them on a regular basis, then perhaps there’s an opportunity for you to smuggle an anonymous note into their coat, bag or work area. Sometimes there’s nothing that you can do about it other than to get away from the offending person as soon as possible. Perhaps you could offer them a comfort break to freshen up; or let them know what you’re doing and ask them if they’d like to do the same afterwards. The key is to take a subtle approach to test their reaction and see how they react to your suggestion. Is there a way to amplify your smell to mask theirs by opening some mints? You might even go the extra mile and offer them one. Or if it’s a stranger that you probably won’t see them again you can say what you feel as you depart and hope they have a thick skin.
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Bags of Trouble
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Sounds of the 90's
I fancied listening to something different to my regular mix at the gym. What I needed was something that I would enjoy but that had that human touch as well. This mix was perfect. As well as a good mix of music to suit most genres, host Fern Cotton also takes us back to discuss the playground crazes of the times. She also throws in a few guests to chat to; though at times it seems as if she’s calling up her mates to fill some airtime. It’s sometimes hard to see the relevance when they talk of the nineties as being that hazy period where they were hanging out with celebrities all the time. I love the movie quotes; there’s some excellent tunes which makes up its soundtrack too. Its actual broadcast is late at night; so it’s a lot easier to download it to listen to at leisure. Perhaps they should go for a live show though.
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Basket Case
Monday, 26 October 2020
Brunch #nuclearmermaid14
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Disappointing Deviations
Saturday, 24 October 2020
Grandpa's Story
People aren’t always interested in stories. They’re more likely to tell stories about other people than their own; especially if it’s about the olden days and if you struggle to recall them yourself. But this can affect the way in which they’re remembered. And it’s important to entertain all audiences if you can. The last thing you want seared into their minds is an image of you coughing up your guts into a bin. So it’s important to tell stories to be remembered; even if they’re a little far-fetched; to hide those negative moments. That way they’ll remember being taken out to parks and sitting in quiet amusement as you doze off in tents when you’re supposed to be babysitting. And if you can’t tell stories then you need to keep your listeners hooked in some way, even if it’s being a little bit silly. The easiest method to do this is to make new memories.
Friday, 23 October 2020
A Different Christmas
Thursday, 22 October 2020
The bus #dreamdiary 96
It’s time for my annual holiday with my college friends. I’ve got an excellent deal on a motorhome. It’s got an upstairs living area at the back which overlooks the kitchen, and in the front is the driver’s seat which has berths above. I’ve achieved the task of picking everyone up; but the only problem is that I haven’t planned a route. I spend the first morning driving to a Tudor mansion which everyone is happy to explore. There’s a lovely banquet room with a view of the mountains; but it doesn’t keep us there for long. During lunch I confess that I haven’t got much further and that nothing is booked. We sit around the kitchen table with a large map in front of us. Everyone is trying to keep positive by searching on their phones for ideas but at the same time I can feel hidden resentment because I haven’t done my homework. I might be in for a long night drive…
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Giving it up for Free
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Amazon Fire TV Stick
Monday, 19 October 2020
A Prayer for Owen Meany

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When I first started reading this book, I thought that Irving was just so full of himself. He certainly blows his own trumpet when he introduces his book. As it’s the first title that I’ve read; I’ve no idea what to expect. I got quite a bit bored in the first chapter as Wheelwright attempted to trace his family history and felt that there was going to be too much digression in this tale. I’m not sure about having Owen’s voice in capitals all the time though. It depicts a spoiled little brat screaming all the time; and Meany certainly gets his way in his youth as he commands the adults around him. Perhaps it should have been in italics; though the printer may have had other ideas. That said, it’s a very novel story with plenty of interesting events and a plot that’ll keep you wanting to find out more until the truth is discovered. It’s certainly a book that you’ll want to re-read with the plot in mind.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 18 October 2020
“There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you.”
-Richard Branson.
If you can earn a living by doing something that you enjoy then you’re doing something right. You will care about your work. You’ll be willing to put errors right and strive for perfection. Of course, not everyone gets to follow their desired path. You find that you’re being controlled more than you’re in control. And that’s where problems start. People start to forego their ideas as they follow the desires of others with as little enthusiasm that is necessary so that they can keep their role and perform a function to earn a living. In the meantime; you’ve got to fuel the passion that keeps you going so that you’ve got something to look forward to in your spare time. And who knows; maybe one day you’ll be able to throw off your shackles and pursue your hobby in a meaningful way. And that’s when the controlled becomes the controller.
Saturday, 17 October 2020
Bags of Bags
Friday, 16 October 2020
Toothbrush Time
My electric toothbrush has finally given up the ghost. I can’t get a complete cycle from an overnight charge anymore. While I can still use it as a stick, it’s somehow not the point. It’s also gone beyond its manufacturer’s guarantee and its extended guarantee. I could invest in a fancy new one which has an extra timer for £10, but it’s got the same battery life. There’s no guarantee that the same thing will happen. So I’ve gone back to the same model but in a different colour. It’s a shame that you can’t change these batteries as they’re built in. They also tell you not to dispose of these batteries in the regular trash; but they don’t tell you how to get these things out. If we could do that then we’d probably be able to change the battery and they wouldn’t sell any new toothbrushes. And of course, no-one’s going to go to the tip just to chuck the thing in the electrical waste skip. But at least I get my quarterly reminder now telling me when to change my brush head. The funny thing is that a week later, the same thing has happened to my boss.
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
What does sour look like?
Sour is a sign of deterioration. It’s when something’s past its prime. You might be out in the middle of the countryside and come across some delicious blackberries that look the perfect colour. But when you pick one and put it on your tongue and receive a vinegary taste; then you know that the blackberry has waited too long to be picked. If it’s too much; it may even cause you to wrinkle your face in disgust. This Some people savour the taste and go on to eat sour sweets and drink sour beer. Some associate it with lemons; but I use this to make my food sweeter when I’m eating out. Yet with all this mention of taste; I never seem to pick it up when I order sweet ‘n sour chicken. I suppose it’s a personal preference. But don’t scrunch up your face too much as people might think that you’re reacting to something else.
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Check and Mate
Monday, 12 October 2020
Agonising Adam
A mass of blonde curly hair awaits to greet you. Beneath this is a pair of blue eyes followed by a single nose piercing. Sometimes it’s a bar with studs; at others it’s a ring like a bull. It might depend on who’s in at the moment. He speaks with a very plain but distinctive Southern accent. He’s always willing to listen to what you have to say; but he’s also prepared to join in with any crowd. He’d also dress in a standard smart but casual dress code every time but with a little wear and tear around the knees. He doesn’t make grand gestures of expenditure but he’s happy to pay in his fair share when it’s time. He’s happy to take in any substance that comes his way regardless of how crazy he may get later; and go along with any prank so long as it makes a good story.
Sunday, 11 October 2020
Cake Call
There’s nothing quite like the smell of something freshly baked
But if I had the choice of what they make then I really hope that it’s cake.
For while the smell of fresh buns gets me up and high and dry
It’s that little bit of sugar that I need when the day is passing me by.
Whether it’s chocolate or it’s coconut I really do not mind
Or even a slice of fruit is considered a very good find.
I realise that lately it’s been difficult to find flour
But even a pre-made one is welcomed within the hour.
I don’t want to rush you and I’ll settle for a mess
So long as it stands on its own and I know you’ve done your best.
But if I have to share a slice then I won’t be happy with you
So think twice before you serve the slice and make it enough for two.
System of a Down
Saturday, 10 October 2020
What should a resturant do if people keep stealing their salt and pepper shakers?
Running a business inevitably has costs, especially if there’s a premises involved. People who enter your site are going to expect that there’s a bit of upkeep involved to keep the place running. You might use lights which require batteries or electricity; or have your own power source. You might decide to supply heating in the colder months; or you might decide to splash out and provide or build a table and chairs. All this equipment; including your precious pepper pots; will invoke some kind of cost which you will need to factor into your pricing when you calculate your overheads. If you’re concerned about your costs then you’ll have to put your prices up or at least challenge the people who enter or manage your premises to act accordingly. If they’re of sentimental value then consider using other methods of dispense. Or if you can prove that someone’s done it and you’ve got their details you can report a case of theft to the police.
Friday, 9 October 2020
The Art of Photoshop
Thursday, 8 October 2020
Hiding in the Closet
Wednesday, 7 October 2020
The First
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
Product Placement #dreamdiary 95
I’m walking through a square in a shopping centre. There’s a bundle of unmarked parcels in the centre marked with tissue paper. Suddenly, four Christmas trees are lowered down from the ceiling and start revolving around the atrium to the tune of the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. Ballerinas and toy soldiers are bursting out of the boxes and are prancing around the square. Me and my fellow shoppers stand in delighted surprise at the scene displayed in front of us. Snowflakes and glitter are being sprayed everywhere. Then the music stops and a man comes forward and thanks everyone for appearing in their Christmas advertisement. When I look up, I see a balcony surrounding the square which is filled with the nation’s press which immediately begin taking pictures with their cameras. Afterwards I’m told that I was chosen to appear in the ad because of my big smiling face; but how they got me to be in the right place at the right time to record my genuine surprised reaction without any prior notification along with everyone else is beyond me.
Monday, 5 October 2020
Black Country Plum Pig at the Waggon & Horses, Halesowen
Sunday, 4 October 2020
Echo Echo
Saturday, 3 October 2020
Should you Insure it?
Friday, 2 October 2020
Redditch sees a jump in Covid-19 cases
It’s hard coping with this new world. For starters, there’s the mask. It got to a point where people have stopped wearing them; but this week they’re back in fashion again. But you’ve got to watch how they wear them. Some just wear them around their neck as a fashion statement; or lower them as soon as they’re through the door. Some wear them to cover the mouth but not the nose. And every sign of a cough just makes people nervous. Of course, the jump isn’t just in Redditch; it’s happening everywhere. But our rate is still just over half what is needed to trigger a local lockdown. But the hardest part is to figure out areas that we can visit that aren’t in lockdown either. It’s important to know your own rules and that of where you’re planning to go; but trying to keep up with every area just makes things complicated. It’s easier to check before you visit.