Thursday 31 October 2019

Liquored Ladies

It’s nice to have a drink or two when you’re on holiday. You can get glammed up and the bartender will glam up your tipple to match with extra straws and plastic tat to make it nice and colourful. Though sometimes you can overdo it and you end up looking like you’ve been playing with mother’s makeup bag. Or perhaps there’s glass on top of that canopy and it’s acting like a heat lamp. Of course you’ll then want a photo to prove that you’ve been there and to show off your adventures to your friends. You might not be able to get a glamourous background every time but at least you can put on a cheesy smile to pretend that you’re enjoying yourselves. And everybody’s posing for everyone. I always try and take revenge by finding an interesting picture to send back; something along the lines of stock photos of the house covered in snow.

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