Tuesday 8 October 2019

Too Close to the Sun

Is it the goal of all bugs to fly to the sun? Perhaps that’s why they’ve got so short a lifespan. If they spent their time flying up to the sky all the time, it’s no wonder that they take an interest in our buildings once they’ve passed out and descended again. Having witnessed all the planes in the sky which can reach a greater altitude than themselves, perhaps their fallback plan is to calculate that one of these buildings can get them there. But once they’re inside, they’re mesmerised by the fake light within. They’re convinced that this new inside light is the sun, and they’ve travelled through a gateway where suddenly this goal is much more achievable. It’s still a lot of flying for them to do though, and if it’s a naked bulb then once they’ve achieved their goal and burnt themselves; they settle for exploring the rest of the environment while they work out whether they’ve reached the right sun after all. But if it’s a mounted bulb; they’ll happily perch themselves behind the fitting until they’re slowly cooked to a crisp.

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