Monday 28 October 2019

The Empress #empress2

‘Surely this cannot be right?’
‘These measurements were took by the High Priestess herself.’
‘But these are enormous!’
‘I know.’
‘Perhaps we should ask her to check them. Maybe she had something else in mind when she wrote them down.’
‘Are you suggesting that I question an order from the imperial office?’
Well, no.’
‘Very well. I will return for the garments in four days.’
‘Hang on, that doesn’t give me a lot of time. Usually I start with templates and alternate accordingly but with these sizes I shall have to start from scratch.’
‘The empress is not moulded from a template.’
‘Right…right. But we have got a lot of other customers to attend to as well you know.’
‘None of whom are empresses I’m sure.’
‘Very well. Sachi, how much of the imperial red do we have in at the moment?’
‘There’s two metres left and Sandeep is delivering some more tomorrow’ said an unseen voice from the back.
‘Get hold of Sandeep. He’s going to need a bigger cart.’

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