Monday 7 October 2019

A Stroll in the Park

Our next stop was Central Park. the bus took us up past a long line of posh shops then turned around to head for the Guggenheim Museum then dropped us off outside the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Our goal was to take a long stroll through the park and see the sights along the way. Our first sighting was a huge display of cherry blossoms in the trees and in bushes that were bigger than our house. We spotted the local robins, though they looked bad ass since they had black heads. After passing the King Jagiello Monument we arrived at the turtle pond and it certainly didn’t disappoint and we didn’t have long to wait before some its inhabitants came up to greet us. Our next port of call was the Belvedere Castle but unfortunately it was closed for restoration and was surrounded by scaffolding. So instead we called in at the Shakespeare Garden to admire the tulips. The only trouble was that every time we followed a footpath, we seemed to disorientate ourselves and achieved a great deal of circles.  

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