Saturday 26 October 2019

The PM and the Pauper #dreamdiary79

I’m working in a large clothes shop. It’s my job to keep the shelves full so that people can constantly circulate for new items. Whenever I see a gap, I must head into the stockroom to search out another garment, pop it into a little trolley and wheel it out. Then I head over to a security dispenser to tag it which are at random points throughout the store, before hanging the item on the shelf. The store is constantly busy with browsers and it’s company policy to give way to them on the walkways, though I have a personal policy of not giving way to them if they ignore me, and often I have to use Karma and take it out on the next customer. We also have a worry wall where we can anonymously write our fears down for management to consider. I wrote store closures but someone else has simply written “This!” on a poster announcing a restructuring programme. One day, Prime Minister Boris Johnson comes into the shop and gives way to me and my little trolley. I hide from him for a while then tell him about the importance of young people working in retail.

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