Friday 25 October 2019

The CN Tower

After spending so much time in the countryside, it was great to be back in a city. After passing through a security check, we got our tickets and shot up 342 metres in the building’s elevator. And the first thing we headed to see was the view. Facing north, we looked down upon skyscrapers and saw trains arriving at the station underneath us. To the south, we could watch planes take off and land on Centre Island. Then we took a brave leap and laid down on the glass to stare at the ground. We also enjoyed the fact that you could go outside and feel the wind whistle through the air at that height. Having done this, we discarded the need to be suspended over the edge in a jumpsuit. Back on concrete ground, we toured the gift shop, spotting a Lego model of the tower and I bought the obligatory keyring.

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