Thursday 10 October 2019

The Tiger and the Wolf #dreamdiary78

I’ve just walked past the local school playing fields on the way back home from the pub. In it is a great big orange and black striped tiger bigger than anything. It’s about the size of a car. As I stare at it, I sense that there’s something behind me, and I turn to see a large white snow wolf about the same size. The tiger leaps over the chicken wire fence and starts to growl at the wolf. They circle each other for a bit, then the wolf takes off with the tiger in hot pursuit. Bewildered, the first thing that I try to do is call the police but it’s engaged, though oddly my brain is wired to call 911. I should have called 101 instead of 999 so it’s a wonder that I didn’t get through. Finally, I get home and my brother sticks his head around the bedroom door. He tells me that my company has tried to ring me and they want me to go to the school and investigate the alarm going off. I try to ring them back to explain that I don’t work at the school and that it’s not safe because there’s a tiger and a wolf running around but I can’t get through. All I receive is a switchboard service stating that I need to press 1 for option 1 etc, but it doesn’t tell me what the options are. I hope the tiger’s safely away before school starts tomorrow.

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