Wednesday 9 October 2019

We're going to the Zoo

We had a map of sorts and followed a road past the horse and carriage drivers (they weren’t pushy) to Strawberry Fields. There was quite a crowd hanging around the footpaths to the mosaic and there were a few people selling John Lennon-related posters. But when we saw saw Imagine carved into the concrete it wasn’t that much of a sight, and a Mum expected it to be bigger. Bethesda fountain was much more impressive and provided us with a lovely respite spot from our walk. We then wondered through the terrace with its golden ceiling and found some of the statues which included Hans Christian Andersen and the Alice statue just behind the model boat lake. Our final stop was Central Park Zoo which I wanted to visit during my last trip but it was shut. Oddly, we found it very small and I felt that there was a certain part missing which had been featured in many films; however as we left we realised that we’d somehow walked into the children’s zoo which was a separate section from the main one! Luckily, our ticket included both sites so I was able to visit Pride Rock which now features seals as it’s centrepiece rather than lions. We had to wait an age for our return bus but we travelled past Columbus Circle including one of Trump’s hotels before depositing us back in Times Square.

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