Monday 21 October 2019


We walked down the boardwalk alongside the rapids. Along the way there were viewpoints where you could stop and let others pass and have a few photos take along the way. It’s a shame that these places don’t publicise where these photo stops are as you’re always waiting for someone else to finish their picture then you discover another one just around the corner. Then it was a short trek back the way we came to the bus stop. While we were waiting, we came across a temple which was impressive to look at. When we got back, Mum felt a bit tired, and being as it was a bright hot day she wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon sunbathing. I still hadn’t had my fill of the sights and went to watch an IMAX film about the falls. While I waited, I explored a museum dedicated to those who were brave enough to venture over the water’s edge.

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