Friday 4 October 2019

Marvel Studios Character Guide

I got this as a freebie when I bought a DVD in a supermarket. I really hope that no-one shelled out money for this as it’s quite terrible. For starters, the cover clearly states: “Meet the Heroes and Villains of Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame!” And villains are in plural. Yet there’s only one villain in the whole book which is Thanos. There’s no mention of Ebony Maw or any of the Black Order members. You might argue that his role in this movie is fairly insignificant, but he does have more lines than Black Panther who has his own page, and Quicksilver, who doesn’t even make an appearance in the movie. Some characters have two pages which is fair enough as they’re major characters, but it would be a lot easier to do a double page feature of their characters and superhero aliases side by side. And would it have killed them to have included the cast members’ names in there too! The final thing that I found annoying was the unnecessary taglines in the pictures directing the reader to parts of the costumes. I would have understood it more if was pointing out technological gadgets, powers or even fashion relative to the character’s origin, but having obvious labels such as “Leather Boots” of “Bathrobe” shows that the ‘authors’ really haven’t thought this through.       

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