Friday 11 October 2019

Back to the Border

Our exit from the US involved another long train ride; but rather than crossing the border via train, we disembarked at an earlier station and transferred via a lift to a coach, which also meant that we had to wait rather a long time as we had our suitcases with us. Once we’d boarded our bus, we drove along Rainbow Bridge to border control. The security guard was pleasant to chat to and was pleased to hear that I’d visited before; though I’m not sure whether he was compelled to ask or whether he was just masking conversation. Onward we went to the falls, and surprisingly our hotel was just around the corner. There was a bit of confusion at check-in as our itinerary stated that we were entitled to a free breakfast; however the tour manager believed that it wasn’t included. In the meantime; we retired to our room where we’d already paid for a view of the falls. It did not disappoint and we slept with the curtains open.

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