Saturday 5 October 2019

Flag Fetish

Why is there a need to put a flag on every major building? Do people sometimes forget which country they’re in? It might be understandable if there’s a similar destination that looks the same, but being as there’s a giant departure board with a list of domestic destinations I’d have thought that it would be obvious. It’s a fetish that this democracy has and many other countries including my own don’t see the need for it.  I have no idea whether it’s law or what the reasoning behind it is, but there’s going to be a cost for cleaning or replacing it. Do the citizens get that demotivated if they don’t see their patriotic symbol? Or perhaps it’s a sign to remind their people to behave themselves according to their constitution; that their freedom of speech and choice of direction comes at a cost to others. It’s subliminal messaging in a different format.

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