Sunday 13 October 2019

Canadian Steak

After an evening walk to view the falls at night, we decided to take a walk into the little town to find something to eat. We’d found an Indian restaurant on Google, but when we arrived we discovered that they were closed for a re-fit. We walked up the hill and found all manners of sideshows, cafes, and microbrew pubs, but we couldn’t really see anything that looked comfortable and friendly with a decent menu. When we got to the crossroads, half of the street was being dug up. Once we’d walked round the roadworks and cast our eyes over a few souvenir shops, we settled on a BBQ place named Montana’s. We went for the saver menu but we were advised by our waiter that some of the portions might be smaller than what we would expect. He wasn’t kidding, and we called in at a stall for dessert on the way back to the hotel.   

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