Friday 18 October 2019

Getting the Most from your Money

There’s a couple in the shop who’ve ordered a new wardrobe. I’ve wheeled their new wardrobe through the warehouse door and I’ve offered to take it to the car for them. I just need to see their receipt to confirm that I’ve got the right item for them. The man calls the woman over who shows me her receipt then storms back to the counter. I’m puzzled as to why she chose to do this. I ask the gentleman if they’re awaiting another item and he replies in the negative. So the only way that I can justify that she’s still waiting for something is to get her receipt stamped. I attempt to get this resolved by asking one of my colleagues to stamp her receipt, and lo and behold, she’s on the move as soon as the ink hits the paper. It’s amazing that people still insist on getting their monies worth out of every nook and cranny.

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