Wednesday 30 October 2019

Wreck-it Ralph

This movie had a novel approach and I don’t think there’s been a greater effort to rally so many companies into one film. That said, it was a shame not to feature them in the main plot, or least to get them them to rally round at the end. Surely Disney could have forked out a bit more to use the rights; especially since they didn’t use any big-name voices. And as a lot of it was retro animation, they could certainly cut corners when they wanted to. It was easy to warm to the protagonists since they all had a job to do. I liked Penelope’s attitude, and it was great to see some of the other characters develop. But it was a shame that we didn’t get to see Sugar Rush in arcade action before the finale. Now I’ll have to go and play some of these games and experience them for myself. 

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