Tuesday 1 October 2019

Grand Central Station

This morning we decided to take a tour of the north side of the city. As we’d already been given our tickets, we were free to go at our own pace, and we tried for an early start but so did everyone else and we had to wait for a second bus to arrive before we got moving. I would have liked to have got a brief glimpse of the United Nations building but that would have meant a forty-minute detour just for a quick pic. So our first stop was the Grand Central Station. We were lucky enough to sit on the top deck of the bus and because of a traffic jam on the roads we managed to get some great shots of this gorgeous building. Once inside, we climbed up to a balcony for a great view of the station with its famous clock and its stone pillars. Rush hour was just ending so it was the perfect time to explore. We spent twenty minutes here before walking back to await the next bus.

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