Saturday 31 August 2019

What we achieve inwardly will change Outer Reality.


It’s certainly true. If you convert a sandwich into fuel by consuming it, it will certainly change the outside world in some form or other; either by expanding your stomach which takes up more space, or expelling it out of your arse in a different form. Here, a different mass occurs, and you may hear a mighty splash and a smell of methane might also be released, depending upon the health of your digestive system. There may be sound effects too if you’re that unfortunate. Or if you take space travel, then the earth has had to evolve over thousands of years for us to manufacture the materials required to change the environment outside of it. But a more modern phrase to that of our Greek philosopher friend would be that you get out what you put in. Even if it does take a long time to shift last week’s curry out of you.

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