Friday 2 August 2019

Monument Shopping

Our next stop was a walk across the National Mall, where we stopped off by the World War II memorial. I always liked looking at the date of this piece; since the Americans only entered the war two years after it started. Unfortunately the Washington Monument was closed to have a new elevator fitted so there was no chance of going up for the view. There were however; plenty of school parties as it was that time of year; it was also World Prayer Day and various religions were also organising their own campaigning activities. Luckily, we did manage to get to the Lincoln Memorial just before they were all getting set up for their photographs. Then it was off to Vietnam where I thought the statues of the troops in the fields resembled ghosts in the field. Unfortunately I only had a dollar in change to tip our tour guide as we disembarked outside the Smithsonian; which of course was scoffed at.

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