Monday 26 August 2019

The AmTrak Convoy

I was looking forward to a long comfortable train journey on a sleeper carriage with all the comforts, and I was hoping to be on top of a double decker carriage. Sadly, our train from Washington to New York wasn’t to be. It was quite a hefty climb up the ladder and into the carriage. Luckily a guard was on hand to help us load our luggage, which we still had to hoist into the overhead compartment if we could. Although the seating was spacious, it did look slightly old and faded; especially with the round metallic ashtrays in front of us. The guard’s uniform also looked outdated; his round flat grey hat looked as if it had been made from toilet paper. Nevertheless, I got a lot of reading done and Mum fell asleep; which was just as well as we sat on the wrong side of train and missed most of the scenic views. At least our tour group had a private carriage.

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