Monday 5 August 2019

Mike the Tyke

How much can you trust your employees when it comes to tardiness? You want to trust them and let them do their job, yet at the same time you can’t help but wonder if there’s a hidden agenda behind it all. Are they really up all night boozing away? Or are the tall excuses that they give actually true? When it comes to family illnesses, you have to give them a bit of the benefit of the doubt. You don’t want to appear too inhumane, but at the same time you’ve got plans too. Of course, the easiest way is to try and help them. That way, everyone gets to keep their position and you don’t have to waste time hunting for a replacement. But at the same time, if you’ve got the ability to replace them then it could be a worrying time for them when you’re ready to make the switch.

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