Wednesday 21 August 2019

A Tight Tea #nuclearmermaid6

One morning, Jenny woke up to find two huge lumps on her chest. She realised that she’d managed to eat all the remaining fish last night in a feeding frenzy, which must have caused her to grow quicker. Her head was touching one end of the tank while her tail was touching the other, and she had to float at a diagonal angle to keep herself comfortable. Surely it was time to tackle the roof, but then what? How far away was she from the next biggest source of water? And what would the bipeds do? With a bit of luck, they might be able to help her. It was hard to look up because there was always a bright source of light there. But she could easily poke her hands through the light and hard substance before it to make the holes bigger. Would more food come through or will the bipeds give up in shock?

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