Tuesday 27 August 2019

Mouse in the House

One night I was lying on the sofa watching a movie. It was a late night and I might have dozed off. I lifted my head and glanced down at the carpet to notice a large brown mouse look back at me. Our eyes met, then, having realised that it had been spotted, it ran underneath another sofa. I slowly prepared to catch it, but by then it must have run beyond the sofa and down through a hole in the floorboards cut out to let the radiator pipes come through. A few weeks passed, then one day while I was in the pub Mum had spotted a mouse living underneath the kitchen sink. She closed the cupboard and daren’t look again until I returned the next day. We made the room escape-proof and couldn’t see the mouse, but we discovered that some of cleaning supplies had been chewed through and a nest had been made. On the following day, we had a sighting, so a plan had to be made.

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