Thursday 15 August 2019

An American Stalker in Washington

Americans love the English accent. It’s so varied in its dialect but they love hearing our pronunciation and Ye Olde Speke. So it came as no surprise that a gentleman in the donut shop asked if he could join us. Apparently my mother looked just like his sister and wanted to find out a bit about us. We told him briefly about our tour across the US and he told us about his visit to Washington which was about National Prayer Day. He told us what it entailed and he worked part-time teaching at a university and told us about his publishing business which has an office in London, at which point he handed us a pamphlet and asked if he could say a prayer for us. As we had our tour planned, we were quite confident in declining his invitation to join him, but as we prepared to leave we noticed that he had already gone ahead into our hotel. Luckily, we shared a different lift but he did spot us on our floor going into our room. I hope he was staying there.

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