Sunday 25 August 2019

Lady in Waiting

There’s a woman standing at the counter stating that she’s been waiting for ten minutes. She’s short with a tanned complexion, she has a pointy nose and is trying to talk in a calming upper-class accent, though her dyed hair with a large fringe at the front somehow makes me doubt her credentials. Her grey sweatshirt also does little to assist her image. Perhaps she’s trying to talk over me in an overpowering tone in the hope that I will offer her a discount in fear of her complaining too much. Instead I just apologise for her wait and explain that we’ve been tied up with other customers and begin to process her order, only to discover five minutes later that she’s ordered the wrong thing. Here then, is her just desserts for trying to act too snooty in the first place. She’s now forced to wait longer as we exchange and locate her new one. I do catch a slight conversation with a passer-by while she waits; but whether she knows the man or is asking him about his experience is beyond me. Her voice does drop slightly as she departs, as the evidence is clear that my team is clearly working as hard as we can to keep things running.

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