Friday 23 August 2019

Dead Pixels

Young adult hormones combined with a need to destroy make this comedy a fantastic watch. There are some great comic moments; whether it’s revealed that Meg and Nicky actually share the flat, Usman’s day job or the window cleaner’s revenge on Nicky. There’s some extremist gaming stuff as well that doesn’t really need to be there. The CGI in their game world is amazing, and it’s a great idea that they decide to cosplay it in their final episode. I wonder if there’s a game out there like that that I can play? One person that I can’t stand is Russell. The situations that he gets himself into derives of any sense whatsoever and Meg can definitely do better. It’s just a shame that she doesn’t try to take advantage of Alison’s friends some more. I love her metaphors though. I’d love to know what their day job entails so that I can try to get away with gaming at work as well.

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