Saturday 17 August 2019

A Trip to the Tip

I love visiting the tip. It seems wasteful to visit there for just one or two items, so usually I have to wait until a nice nest of rubbish builds up. Then I have to pick a nice day where it’s not too quiet, otherwise I’ll have to queue to get in to park. And just before I arrive, I have to load up and break everything down into individual components ready for the correct bin. Sometimes some bending is required to get it all in followed by some stable driving to keep it all stable so that it doesn’t move about during the journey. There’s plenty of hustle and bustle going on as other people arrive to rid themselves of their wares. My favourite part is when you get to drop a particularly heavy item into a skip and watch it smash over everyone else’s rubbish. It leaves a lovely echoing sound as it resonates off the metal containers. All that remains is to drive away with an empty boot that probably needs cleaning as I always forget to put something down to cover the mess.

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