Friday 9 August 2019

Bench Press

Now that we’ve got the new garden bench installed, we need to get rid of the old one. It was quite simply a contraption of wooden planks screwed into a cast iron frame with a supporting beam underneath. It was quite tempting to smash it but that would just leave mess everywhere and I’d probably hurt myself in the process too. Armed with a screwdriver, I managed to unscrew the bolts out of the wood with the help of a rubber mallet to loosen the beams up where necessary. But what do I do with the end bits? I decided to keep the screws and nuts for some reason, even though they could be rusted and we’ve got drawers of the things anyway. But it was a bit too much for the old green recycle bin, and a trip to the tip was in order to ensure a safe and reliable disposal. And while I was at it, I cleared out some other rubbish that was lying around as well.

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