Tuesday 20 August 2019

Double Chin

Where has this second chin come from? Hopefully it’s the way that my neck is tilted towards the camera which has caused it to create a slight crink. Or maybe my neck has got bigger. Surely it can’t be from all this drinking. I’m not constantly downing a whole pint at a time. It doesn’t feel as if I’m going to grow any extra bones in there. And where has this long head and these chubby cheeks suddenly appeared from? They’re not features that are apparent in my mother. Maybe the extra fat travels up to my chin from my neck if I smile or raise a glass to my mouth. And if it is a health problem, then they do say that Americans do things bigger. I could just argue that I’m trying to blend into the local culture. Either that or it’s preparing to pop with all this extra historical knowledge that I’m learning.

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