Wednesday 7 August 2019


The crew of Horrible Histories takes over primetime TV in this new and slightly entertaining comedy. Unfortunately, although the idea is novel enough, it’s not saucy enough for its late-night audience. The plot also needs some work and wasn’t realistic enough. I found the romantic poet too annoying, the caveman clearly too out of context, and the captain too much in his character. The headless Tudor man could have also been used a bit more and was even absent midway through the series. I thought that the death of Pat was very comical, but it would have been great at some point to have seen how each of the other characters died and how they ended up in the house. It would have also been great to have had the plague victims out of the basement at some point and discover why they confined themselves to that spot for so long. A great start, but with a few more episodes and ideas this could have been a more stable series.

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