Friday 30 August 2019

New York Old York

After our late-night walkabout, it was time for some nibbles, and we fancied some dessert, specifically some New York-style cheesecake. After a quick google search, we found a back-street restaurant that is famous for its desserts named Juniors. We walked in and the place was absolutely packed; but the maĆ®tre d quickly spotted us and guided us to a table close to a window. The restaurant was very open-plan and had cosy comfortable seats and a bar-stool diner area, which I would have preferred to be seated at but I guess these were reserved for singletons looking to mingle. It was also very bright and colourful. I went for a brownie explosion cheesecake, while Mum ordered a cherry one Once we’d ordered drinks and our food by a very cheerful waiter, we noticed that a queue had formed to be seated. While we were waiting, we couldn’t stop reading through the menu, and it was a shame that we didn’t have time to go back there. On our way out we passed a theatre, and we noticed that a barrier was being put outside the stage entrance and a crowd had begun to form. After checking the show, we discovered that Jim Parsons was currently performing. We waited half an hour with other autograph hunters but we got fed up of waiting and decided to head back to the hotel.

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