Sunday 18 August 2019

Passing the Pentagon

This isn’t the greatest view of one of the world’s largest office buildings, but at least I can say that I’ve been there. You can probably tell that it was a snapshot while we were on the move. Unfortunately, we were on our way back from Arlington and we were sitting on the wrong side of the bus. It’s not a very exciting angle from this distance away, and the east side carpark isn’t the most exciting of locations either. But at least I got a photo of it this time. Last time I went on foot with a friend and we rode the subway and got as close as we could. But despite the signs posted warning people not to take photographs, my friend decided to give it a go from a distance. Unfortunately, he was spotted and a guard demanded his camera from which he extracted the film and exposed it to the light, ruining all his photographs for the day. I offered to e-mail him my shots once we’d returned home, but he skipped breakfast the next day and attempted to re-take as many as possible before we set off for our next city.

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