Saturday 15 June 2019

Wristband Woes

We’ve been given some wristbands to sell to raise money for a national charity and some lanyards as well. The event’s been and gone and we’ve got plenty of stock left over. The problem is that the stock’s got the date printed on it so we won’t be able to sell it at the next event. The solution is to give the stock away to charitable organisations. I’ve taken the lanyards to use at our volunteer events and I’ve given some wristbands to my sister-in-law who works at a nursery. She can use them as prizes at a sports day. But there’s still loads of stuff left that can’t be used again. Surely the organisations who make these have foreseen this? You’d have thought that their operation would be a bit more economical? Are they hoping to sell these at next year’s event as collector’s items at a reduced rate? It would have been a lot better to sell them in short demand which would justify a price increase the following year.

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