Sunday 23 June 2019

Family Portrait

What’s going on here? I’m perfectly happy lying on the floor playing with all the things lying around. Suddenly, I’m being picked up and put on someone’s knee. Now I have to look across the room at someone. I hate that they talk to me in that high-pitched voice. How can I expect to understand them? They certainly won’t understand me. At least I’m a little higher so I can see the room better, an I’m on the same level as everyone else. Well. I’d better let them have their fun I suppose. I might even get something out of it. But look how small I am. I don’t like this. If I shut my eyes it’ll go away, but there’s still lots of strange noises around. There’s only one thing that I can do. make that noise. I don’t like it and I know they don’t either, but at least they’ll pay attention to me.

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