Wednesday 12 June 2019

Time Zombies #timezombies

Across time, there has been trouble. Things haven’t always worked out the way they should have. One day, on his way from being sacked at work, Tom takes a shortcut through the graveyard in the rain. He trips over a very loose gnarled tree root and goes face down in the mud; while his takeaway pizza goes flying. As he gets to his feet, he discovers that his glasses are cracked. He makes a grab for a box-like object and comes on home; unaware that he’s being watched by an unseen creature examining the text on the pizza box with a strange glass-like object. Meanwhile, Tom returns home and puts on his spare glasses to discover that instead of a pizza box, he’s ended up with a large picture book with complicated wheels inside to turn. In despair, he throws the book onto his bed and hits the shower. When he returns to his room, the book is glowing.  

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