Monday 17 June 2019

The Dead are Watching

I sometimes wonder if the dead are watching me. Are they interacting with environment around me and are they having fun while they do it? What powers do they have? Do they have to do chores to earn a certain number of credits to manipulate the world around them? Do they have to earn brownie points just to have a peek at the world that they’ve left behind? Maybe they’re secretly shouting at you in the background. Maybe they’re able to cause some sort of disturbance which decides the outcome of certain situations. In a similar way, do the actions that we perform affect the environment on a lower plane? We have a rough idea of what we do that affects our surroundings in both the short and long term; but does this earn us points in another realm? If there’s always someone watching, would you be comfortable performing the actions that you do? What would happen when it would be time to face them?

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