Saturday 8 June 2019

Quote me Happy

Happiness is easier to achieve when you’re five years old. You’re looking at what’s around you rather than into the future. When you’re a child, others work hard to please you but when you’re an adult you must work hard to please yourself, or at least share in the happiness of others to make life just that little bit more bearable. Is that why many people have children; as their happiness is easier to create? It makes you wonder why should you do a job that doesn’t make you happy or bring happiness to others? Instead you should aim to do something that does, or at least make a change. You might think that being a doctor is great and comes with lots of benefits, but the higher you climb, the greater the responsibility. Is that something that you really want to take on? It sure is easy when you can go home with the satisfaction of a job well done without any worries.

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