Thursday 27 June 2019

Unlike the Licensee

I’ve decided to boycott future visits to a certain pub. I’ve seen the licensee both in and out of his pub; and I’ve also seen his dark side and how mad he can get. The staff that he organises at his festivals always seem to be people that he’s roped in at the last minute and they’re not generally employees. His beer lacks a certain condition too -it’s as if it’s still settling. I’m amazed that he’s kept his award-winning title this year. Still, it must have a good loyal, local following. I only tend to visit when there’s a festival on and it’s very rare that I pop in as I’m passing. I’m also not impressed with the bottles that I’ve bought from his beer shop. I spent over £50 on bottles that were over a fiver each and when I got home I noticed that some of the foreign ones were past their sell-by date. He used to visit out events and crawls but he doesn’t any more. So I’m going to return the favour.

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