Monday 24 June 2019

A Walk on the Dark Side

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”- George Addair.

It’s scary to think what the future will bring. Sure, there’s good stuff and things to look forward to. But there’s also the ‘what if things go wrong’ path. But sometimes that’s the risk that we’ve got to take. If you want it, then you’ve got to see it through and go and get it. You’ve got to convince yourself that it’s the right way despite the consequences, even if it means doing things that you’re not comfortable doing or would cause distress to others. It might be a big decision but sometimes you’ve got to venture into that unknown fork and do whatever it takes with the hope that things will turn out right for you. And of course, if you’ve planned to take that path or you can control its direction, then it will be a very smooth journey for you. And once you’ve conquered that path, the next one will be a lot easier.

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