Monday 10 June 2019

Black Spot

I’ve had the same phone for quite a while. When I first got the phone, all was well, but within a few years there’s always been a bit of a black spot in the corner when I take photos. I took the camera out of the case to give it clean but it doesn’t make any difference. Then I realised that it was the case that was fraying so I decided to get a new case. But it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Third party products aren’t what they were. It seems that the firms that supply them aren’t trying any more. When you buy a product and it’s brand new then they want to be as compatible as possible. But when you’re buying something that’s near the end of its shelf life, you kind of get the impression that they’re not trying any more. Either that or they’ve reached the end of their stock and you end up with the rejects that other people have returned.

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