Thursday 6 June 2019

The Beer Snatch

Annoying, isn’t it? It’s the end of the working week. You’ve worked hard to get money in the bank and time to spend with those that you care about. You’re sitting in a restaurant enjoying a great conversation with a friend. You’re both getting rowdier and more animated as you’re getting into the topic of your conversation. You let go of that precious glass of nectar in front of you as you let yourself go. Then suddenly, the glass starts to move away from you. You turn to the hand that collected it which says, ‘sorry, I thought you’d finished with that.’ Once it’s gone, it’s gone, especially if it was the last pint of the barrel. It’s especially annoying with kids’ drinks. Not only are they ridiculously overpriced, but they’re upsetting even more people, especially when they don’t have the confidence to argue back. So don’t do it, or at least if there’s a huge pile of glasses on the table, at least ask us before you do. You might even be as polite to offer us another and make us part with some more hard-earned cash.

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