Sunday 16 June 2019

The Flip #devilsdaughter3

Luke didn’t need telling twice. He knew an invite when he saw one. He took a step forward onto the bed and took off his jacket. He made a reach for the phone which was hidden on the other side of her mountainous left breast. Lucinda gave out a fake sigh as his hand made a stretch and tried to reach over her boob and just about made contact with the other side of its peak.
Lucinda whispered, ‘Play those bongos, baby.’ He began to pull himself up and up over those long smooth legs that were amply cushioned by that amazing derriere. As his ass began to rub up in line with her abs, he noticed how hard they felt compared to the pillows above.
‘It’s never too late for pancakes’ she whispered. With a bounce of her ass, she managed to flip him up into the air and onto his other side where he had no choice but to enter her on a surprisingly soft landing.

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