Friday 21 June 2019

Tiny Tots

It’s great to see little ones take their first step into the world. those tiny feet are eager to explore and be independent, though sometimes they need a guiding hand. It might be to keep them away from any danger or it could simply be trying to stop them from toppling over. They’re grateful for the guidance so that they can be like everyone else and take part in the fun.  They can be determined to learn and you must let them have their own moments of independence. If it’s colourful or shiny, they’ll want to be near it. If they can interact with it; whether it’s banging on the fence or picking something up to see what happens, they’ll give it a go regardless of the consequences. Sometimes they’ll struggle as they won’t understand that it’s not safe for them to be off the leash. And if they don’t like it, they’ll let you know.

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