Tuesday 18 June 2019

Cocky Customers

Sometimes you see the desperation in a parent begin to get the better of them. They tend to ignore everything you say to them and say everything twice to you as if you’re stupid and the scum of the earth that needs to be straightened out. It’s the frustration of being part of a process that has ignored your request because it doesn’t recognise your input. And there’s the raised voice which only causes your reaction to repeat what you’ve already stated. The whole thing makes both parties look ignorant and irresponsible of the other; while the process that causes this just quietly and innocently glistens in the background, showcasing other people that have yet to go through this experience as if to say; ‘it works for everyone else; it’s just that this person’s different’. It’s about time that the process needs to open up more to deal with these demands.

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