Sunday 9 June 2019

Piecing it all Together

Wahey! I get to piece together a curvy chick with large boobs as part of a Christmas present. I’m not a big Trekkie fan but I do know the context of the character and I’ve watched the occasional episode. The trouble is that there is a hell of a lot of blue. So much blue in so many different shades makes this jigsaw very complicated. Perhaps the Star Trek wardrobe department should shell out for a few more colours. It took three months to piece together. It got to a stage where the only way forward is just to sort the pieces by shape rather than looking at the colour. And it’s easy to go wrong there too. But once you’ve got used to looking at knobs and holes, you can get into a rhythm. At least this way my friend can see that it’s completed, And Mum can have her tablecloth back; albeit with a bit more sawdust.

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